The Overlord Project is a series of satirical campaign commercials for three fictional candidates for Overlord of Planet Earth. Filmed in the summer and fall of 2015, the Overlord Project will include between 30 and 50 commercials when editing is finished. There is some chance that the supporters of Vermin Supreme will air some of them on television, but for now, you can see them on the web!
(The Overlord Project Facebook page)
(The Overlord Project YouTube playlist)
The most popular candidate for Overlord of Planet Earth, Vermin Supreme offers a platform of free ponies for all earthlings, a zombie-powered economy, time travel research, mandatory toothbrushing, and the use of evil death rays for peaceful purposes.
(Vermin Supreme for Overlord of Planet Earth on Facebook)
(Vermin Supreme for Overlord of Planet Earth YouTube playlist)
“Pony Pledge”
“I Challenge You!”
“Completely Human!”
“Our Friend and Teacher”
“Pony Drones”
“Problem Solving”
“Starwarsing Into the Future!”
“Free Pony Song”
“Time Travel”
“Evil Death Rays”
“Help me!”
“Canine Americans”
“The Environment”
The most brutal of all candidates, Captain Titus the Unstoppable offers a platform of blood, skulls, guns, fury, disgust, hate, total destruction, and equal opportunity death. He has stated that if he does not win, he will destroy the entire planet.
(Captain Titus the Unstoppable for Overlord of Planet Earth on Facebook)
(Captain Titus the Unstoppable for Overlord of Planet Earth YouTube playlist)
“The Reckoning”
“Take Back The Snacks!”
“The Great Outdoors”
“Blood Currency”
“Pony Raid”
The most reasonable, logical, sweet, likeable candidates, prospective Joint Overlords Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein have their own band, as well as the least funding and are trending lowest in the polls. They offer a platform of peace, art, culture, equality for all living beings, and the freedom to transform into robots.
(Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein for Joint Overlord of Planet Earth on Facebook)
(Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein for Joint Overlord of Planet Earth YouTube playlist)
Mary Sullivan started out as Vermin Supreme’s audio engineer. Then she became his campaign manager, and now she edits all his videos. She takes a skeptical perspective on all the brainwashing.
(Mary Sullivan Productions on Facebook)
(Mary Sullivan Productions YouTube playlist)
“Truth To Ponies”
“Ricky is a Sexist!”
“Free Speech”
“Nipple Power”
“Children’s Safety”
And Vermin and fans respond! (#MarySullivanGetsBurned)
Many of these videos mention ponies! Here is a playlist that’s all ponies!